Sunday, January 31, 2010


This one is for Ricky. yeah. Wrote it several years ago.

As I looked out the window of my limousine, I saw a small plume of smoke. It was kind of pathetic, but I knew it could quickly spread. So I ordered my chauffeur to stop the car and Frank, a man who had no point in life except to open the door for me, to let me out. I stepped out and checked on my 10 pedigree thoroughbred horses. They were fine. I took one out and mounted him, trotting towards the smoke. I soon saw it's source, and the scene just wrenched my heart.
There was a man trying to get a fire going on the cold day. His jacket was thin and ragged, with no buttons or zipper and holes in the elbow. His shirt was stained with grease and blood, and the bottoms of his pants were shreds. There was a huge black spot on his thigh - no knowing what THAT was - and there were holes in his knees too. I hastily looked down at my expensive riding outfit, making sure it didn't suddenly change into a pile of rags. This guy could really use a couple hundred bucks. Or maybe a thousand.
I dismounted and sent my professionally trained horse back to the trailer,then began rooting through my wallet. The man still hadn't noticed me.
Suddenly, his pathetic fire seemed to explode in a fiery ball, spitting flames onto his jeans. He screamed in pain and hopped around, dumping what looked like the inside of a filthy water bottle on his leg. the flames went out, leaving an ugly, open wound on his leg. Now he was hurt and had no fire on this freezing day. I kept rooting through my swollen wallet and pulled out a million dollar bill. I would give him this. It would not be a problem to me; I had 30 of them in my wallet alone. The man began to cry, tears squeezing out of his blue eyes and rolling down his dirt-blackened cheeks. I wanted to cry too. His hair was so dirty that I couldn't even tell what color it was.
"Ahem" I said, and the man looked up. He jumped with a little gasp of fear when he saw my 12 attack dogs circling me, but didn't say anything. Suddenly, his eyes brightened. Then he laughed. Hmm, it was a familiar laugh.
"Hey, noob" he said. I almost died! Fury rushed through me. It was Jacob, my old brother! The one who always called me a noob. He was not to get a single penny from me!I turned heel and stomped away, leaving him to sit in the rubble of his own noobishness.

My origional trademark story:

Look for more soon! I wrote this back in 2006.

Oodle and Doodle were testing their invention - Fire Juice. Their idea was to make a juice that would light a fire without the hassle of striking a match. Their test was dropping a few drops of the Fire Juice and seeing how well it burned.

"I'm a little scared", admitted Oodle.

His sister glared at him. "We already know that it won't spread off the paper", she snapped. "The only way we can start a fire is by dumping it all over the clubhouse."

Oodle hung his head. "I don't know", he sniffled.

Doodle felt sorry for being so rude. "I'm sorry", she said, giving Oodle a playful shove.

But that shove was a little too hard and Oodle lost his balance and landed on the tub of Fire Juice, spilling it everywhere! The juice burst into flames.

When Doodle said "it wouldn't spread", she was wrong. The fire raged all over, blocking the door and the windows.

Smoke filled their lungs, and they died.

The End.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Haven, Mom, if you're reading this and disagree you were asleep. I remember that road RIGHT THERE, and Pa commenting on how he hoped we had enough gas, and being like totally amazed. Maddy claims we most certainly did not see it but WE DID! It just wasn't as dramatic looking.


These are some pictures... I don't know why I put them up. Because I loff them. SO LOOK!

Self-proclaimed Jacob Hasselhoff. I'm sorry, I had to put this picture up. I just love it.

The koehlers... We are a weird herd. Very weird.

Ew. She is slimy.

Luna is living it up! And Serens is hyper and so shall comment on every picture!

Me and Luna being awesome at the beach.

Finally! I come to a town where the people are REAL!

(Who the heck is this cat?) Fredricksburg shop resident dude/cat/owner/cookie.

Luna looks silly. HA!

And if you look very closely you can see the ninja redneck in the trees. These are actually quite rare but definatly easy to spot if you know how to look. This one is climbing a tree for the sheer heck of it. You can tell because of the haughtiness in his gaze and the way he is already trying to get down. Trying. (sorry Jake, I'm just joking.)

Uh..... Wow.

I was trying to get the cat, in my pajamas, and he was out of armsreach. I tried to kick him. I failed.

REEK! REEK! REEK! OBAMADUCK! The feathers of change...

*has nightmares* Why did I take a picture of THAT?! That is FREAKY! Oh my gosh... Wow.

A really bad picture of Valentine.

Jack puking.



My pathetic attempt at a jump. Hey, she jumped over it ok?

Val looks really crabby in this picture but she was actually purring so top hating me. No idea what it says on the back.

backflip boi. love spelling things wrong

Prolly my fave pic ever, Luna eating brocolli. Wow.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Look at the dancing man! YAYS! His name is Erick, and he's awesome. NOTE: I did not draw Erick.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Drama photos! *shiny font*

YAY! Dramatic photos LOL! I like taking dramatic pictures even though the camera rlly stinks. BLAH. So yeah, just felt liek being random so here:

(this one is not dramatic, just very amusing.)


Haven is like my pet when I take dramatic photos. See all below and you'll know what I mean.

(ok that's me whatever)

(annnd that's a flower...)

(SEE! SEE! RIGHT THERE! okay I'm done)

My fave

Alright, I'm done lol.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Science was SO fun today. Okay, so blahblahnblah lalala boring math stuff. And then we did this experiment.

In the first part you roll two eggs down a ramp going the same direction. Nothing happens, yay. Then you leave one egg at the bottom of the ramp and roll the other one down again. They kind of crack a little bit, hooray again. THEN you put two ramps together and roll one egg down each ramp, towards eachother. They are SUPPOSED to like totally explode and die. but they only cracked a little bit. So eventually some kids tried three eggs and still the same yawnness. THEN someone got the idea to throw all the eggs in a big giant pile. It was REALLY gross. There were egg-guts everywhere. We counted them and there were at least nine, but they were too shattered to count. I was awesome.

the eggs did not survive the incedent and were pronounced dead at 2: pm Central time Friday, Jan 15, 2010.

(that's what I wrote on my lab sheet lol I'm .. Weird)